‘There’s no harm in hoping for the best as long as you’re prepared for the worst’    – Stephen King       BHV - Incompany Emergency First Responder. Legally recognized (ISO-17024 standardized) and: affordable!  First aid, fire & evacuation: BHV is required by law for all companies with employees (With a minimum of 1 employee). Every company has a general duty of care, in the sense that it must ensure the safety and health of its visitors, customers and employees. The number of employees that you have to train as a company Emergency First Responder depends on the risks in your company. This is determined on the basis of a Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E). In small businesses it is allowed for an employer to be the EFR himself.  BHV - bedrijfshulpverlening. Wettelijk erkend (met ISO-17024 standard) en: betaalbaar! EHBO, brand & ontruiming: BHV is wettelijk verplicht voor alle bedrijven met medewerkers (al bij 1 medewerker). Iedere onderneming heeft een algemene zorgplicht, in de zin dat deze moet zorgen voor de veiligheid en gezondheid van zijn bezoekers, klanten en werknemers. Het aantal medewerkers dat je moet opleiden als bedrijfshulpverlener is afhankelijk van de risico’s in jouw onderneming. Dit wordt bepaald aan de hand van een Risico Inventarisatie en Evaluatie (RI&E). In kleine ondernemingen is het toegestaan dat een werkgever zelf de bhv’er is.        

Our organisation

Our EU.Mission Support cluster brings together all the essential logistics, supply, training and manpower requirements needed to face any (critical) situation. With today’s increased threats from civil disturbance, terrorism and medical emergencies, the broader Fire and Evacuation training industry has failed to respond adequately to both changing social trends and technological advancements. It cannot deliver bespoke solutions that would  consider individual requirements. EU.Mission Support is actively defying this trend by putting the choice back in the hands of our client. In our opinion an outcome based approach is the best way to provide peace of mind and instill confidence in your emergency planning activities. It has never been more important to ensure your emergency provider is meeting your business objectives in the most realistic manner.  We are ready 24/7, worldwide. For inquiries please contact us, in person.